Help Center / F. A. Q.

Contact Us

How do I contact Pumpkin HQ?

You can contact Pumpkin HQ by visiting the contact page below.

Visit our contact page here >


When will my order be shipped?

We ship all orders within 24 hours Monday-Friday. Exact delivery dates to your location are calculated during checkout.

If you ordered a stencil you will receive the digital version immediately.

If you ordered EasyCarve™ Stick-on Stencil Paper your delivery date will be calculated in checkout!

Where does Pumpkin HQ ship from?

Pumpkin HQ's warehouse is located in Somerset, NJ. All orders are shipped from this location.

How long will it take my order to arrive?

Exact delivery dates are calculated in checkout based on your zip code. In most cases, we try to exceed delivery expectations.

How much does shipping cost?

We have designed our shipping rates to be as affordable as possible.

Please see our shipping policy page for exact rates.

Do you ship internationally?

No international shipping at this time. Check back for details.

Order Issues & Problems

My order arrived damaged.

If your order has arrived damaged please use your phone or a camera to snap a few photos of the damage to the item & packaging. You will be asked to provide these later.

If you have received a damaged order please contact us immediately using our contact form. We will respond to you shortly with directions to attach the photos.

Once we see the photos we will decide the next steps on the best & quickest way to resolve the issue!

My order is missing / delayed.

If your estimated delivery time has passed, please contact us immediately to let us know of the issue.

We will look into it right away and take any required actions to resolve.

How do I cancel my order?

Unfortunately, once an order is placed it can not be canceled.

This is due to the fact that many of our items are delivered instantly and can not be reversed.

Assume fully that once your order is placed that it is final.